Scheduled Maintenance for Online and Mobile Banking
We will be conducting scheduled maintenance on our online and mobile banking services. From Saturday, August 19, at 5:00 PM CT, through the afternoon of Sunday, August 20, our online, mobile and telebanking services will be temporarily unavailable. Once the maintenance is complete, we will notify you by sending an email and posting on our website and social media.
For personal account holders:
During the downtime starting on Saturday, August 19, at 5:00 PM CT, you will still be able to log in to online banking, mobile banking and telebanking. However, you will not be able to conduct any transactions such as transfers, mobile deposits, or PinnPay. The balances provided will reflect as of Saturday, August 19, at 5:00 PM CT, with the exception of debit card and ATM transactions. Debit card and ATM transactions initiated after Friday, August 18, at 8:00 PM CT, will not be viewable or included in your balance until late morning Monday, August 21.
You will need your online banking security questions and answers to log in to online or mobile banking once systems are restored on Sunday. If you do not recall your answers, you can log in to your online banking account via web browser to view them. Please do not make any changes to your questions or answers at this time.
We thank you for your understanding and patience! If you have any questions, please contact your local branch or call customer support at
If you have trouble accessing online or mobile banking after Sunday, August 20, please call customer support at
Customers Using Quicken, QuickBooks or Mint:
If your online banking is connected to your accounting software, you will need to disconnect and reconnect your service once maintenance is complete in the late morning on Monday, August 21. We will have full details on how to do so at pinnbanktx.com/accounting-software-resource.
Zelle Users:
Zelle payments will not be able to be made from Friday evening, August 18, through Monday morning, August 21.
Debit Card Users:
From 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21, all daily debit card limits will be temporarily lowered. This may affect the approval of debit card and ATM transactions.
If you are a CardControl/CardValet app user and plan to use your debit card(s) at any time during the maintenance period from 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21, you need to complete the following steps inside the CardControl/CardValet app:
1.) Ensure your card(s) is switched to the On position by 7:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18.
2.) Disable all location limitations by 7:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18. Failing to do so, will result in your card(s) being disabled and unusable from 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21.
For business account holders:
PinnBank for Business, Business Premium and Business Mobile Banking will be offline starting at 5:00 PM CT on Saturday, August 19, until systems are restored on Sunday, August 20. You will not be able to view debit card and ATM transactions initiated after Friday, August 18, at 8:00 PM CT, until late morning Monday, August 21.
If you are a Pinnbank for Business user, you will need your online banking security questions and answers to log in to online or mobile banking once systems are restored on Sunday. If you do not recall your answers, you can log in to your online banking account via web browser to view them. Please do not make any changes to your questions or answers at this time. (This does not apply to Business Premium users.)
We thank you for your understanding and patience! If you have any questions, please contact your local branch, call Business Customer Support at 1-800-789-7156 or Business Premium Customer Support at 1-800-227-7471.
If you have trouble accessing online or mobile banking after Sunday, August 20, please call Business Customer Support at 1-800-789-7156 or Business Premium Customer Support at 1-800-227-7471.
PinnBank for Business Customers Using Quicken, QuickBooks or Mint:
If your PinnBank for Business online banking is connected to your accounting software, you will need to disconnect and reconnect your service once maintenance is complete in the late morning on Monday, August 21. We will have full details on how to do so at pinnbanktx.com/accounting-software-resource.
Positive Pay Users:
Please decide on Friday's exception items before 12:00 PM CT on Saturday, August 19. If you have exception items that remain undecided after 12:00 PM CT on Saturday, August 19, your default decision will be applied. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your local branch or cash manager.
Remote Deposit Capture Users:
RDC will be offline from 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21, due to upcoming scheduled maintenance.
To prepare, please submit all deposits before 8 PM CT on Friday, August 18.
When RDC comes back online on Monday, all previous history will be unavailable to view in RDC. However, all deposit information will still be viewable within your online banking account.
If you have any questions, please contact your cash management representative or call Business Customer Support at 1-800-789-7156 or Business Premium Customer Support at 1-800-227-7471
Business Debit Card Users:
From 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21, all daily debit card limits will be temporarily lowered. This may affect the approval of debit card and ATM transactions.
If you are a CardValet/CardControl app user and plan to use your debit card(s) at any time during the maintenance period from 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21, you need to complete the following steps inside the CardControl/CardValet app:
1.) Ensure your card(s) is switched to the On position by 7:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18.
2.) Disable all location limitations by 7:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18. Failing to do so, will result in your card(s) being disabled and unusable from 8:00 PM CT on Friday, August 18, until late morning on Monday, August 21.